Tag Archives: Self-Help

Lose it: I wish I were (weekly post challenge)

Frustrated at losing inspiration for the ‘perfect’ blog post, I started sifting through other people’s blogs and found myself in a tailspin of negative self-talk critiquing my own abilities and wondering why I wasn’t having the readership, inspiration and even notoriety of such bloggers. I caught myself in the midst of my own personal “I wish I were” melodrama. Perhaps it was life imitating the art of the blog post challenge or it was in fact some subliminal effect of how easily persuaded we are by the images and influence of our daily lives. Either way, it was real, effective and i had to put a stop to it.

I stumbled across this video and thought it perfectly displayed the message “I Wish I Were”…


(def): to rudely talk about a persons body or body parts, whether in private or directly at the person; the snide, often witty comments, about other women’s bodies, that have become a part of female conversation; the practice of dissecting other women’s bodies;
to make mean or vicious comments about another persons body

Tabloid culture has made bodysnarking to be a favorite female pastime.
Bodysnarking is one of my favorite things to do while seating on a beach. (Source: urban dictionary.com)

Have we all in some way fallen victim to the subculture of wishing we were something other than we were created to be? There’s a thin line between being motivated and inspired and wishing I were…

Healing The Fractured Self (findingBalance)

Monday Motivation: Swimsuit Confidence – what you’re worth (Day 5)

“You are more than a statistical chance, more than a marriage of heredity and society, more than a confluence of inherited chromosomes and childhood trauma. …Thanks to God you have been ‘sculpted from nothing into something‘ (Psalm 139:15 Msg)” -excerpt from Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado

Visual challenge

read this passage from Cure for the Common Life on knowing your own worth:

Cover of "Cure for the Common Life: Livin...
Cover via Amazon

Charlie Steinmetz deployed his knacks. He designed the generators that powered Henry Ford’s first assembly lines in Dearborn, Michigan. Sometime after he retired, the generators stalled out, bringing the entire plant to a halt. Ford’s engineers couldn’t find the problem, so he called his old friend Charlie. Steinmetz fiddled with this gauge, jiggled that lever, tried this button, played with a few wires, and after a few hours threw the master switch. The motors kicked on, and the system returned to normal. Some days later Ford received a bill from Steinmetz for $10,000. Ford found the charge excessive and wrote his friend a note: “Charlie It seems awfully steep, this $10,000, for a man who for just a little while tinkered around with a few motors.” Steinmetz wrote a new bill and sent it back to Mr. Ford. “Henry, for tinkering around with motors, $10; for knowing where to tinker, $9,990”.

You have something in you that noone else has. You are worth far more than you may have considered. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are replaceable, you’re simply not. The way you do that thing you do, only you do it best.

Fitness challenge:

1 hour body weight tabatas and I crushed all doubt. I’m not sure if the motivation was due to watching the numbers crank on the Nike Fuel Band or the fact that I was invited by SmartWater to participate in this Nike celebrity workout with Biggest Loser’s Dolvett Quince. Either way, I smashed it and truly felt like an athlete and was ready to keep movin!


I’m still beaming with all that energy and Dolvett’s mantra that he kept screaming at us “this ain’t for everybody, just my body”; I’m bringing you a taste of what he gave us!

complete each exercise for 10-15 seconds

—basic squats
—jumping jacks
—reverse lunges
—push ups
—plank hold
—mountain climbers
—walking lunges with trunk rotation
—reverse crunches
—alternating leg drops (lay on your back with legs extended toward the ceiling alternate lowering your legs toward the floor keeping your legs straight and core tight
—prisoner oblique crunches: get down on both knees (if that’s difficult, sit in a chair); place your hands behind your head with elbows out wide; pull your core tight and slowly lower your right elbow down toward the floor and your right hip. Slowly lift using your core and return to start position,repeat on the left side. Continue for the duration of the interval, DO NOT USE MOMENTUM OR BOUNCING, THINK SLOW AND CONTROLLED!!

nutrition challenge

Keep hydrated, eat 2/3 fruits today and 3 veggies, 6 small meals.

journaling challenge

What’s your tinker? (look back at the vision passage)
What do you do that others come to you for that thing?

What are you doing New Years Eve?



Matthew 7:13 MSG

“Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do.

Colossians 2:7 AMP

Have the roots [of your being] firmly  and  deeply planted [in Him, fixed and founded in Him], being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding  and  overflowing in it with thanksgiving.

Setting some goals?

A few years ago i set a goal to begin training for a marathon and midway through my training I found myself trying to recover from a nasty flu bug. Fast forward to today, I still haven’t run that race but what I learned is that my goal required more than simply deciding and doing.

It required specific planning (this is a major opportunity of self improvement I’ve added to my 2012 goals), knowing what decisions I would need to make, commitment & learning how to follow through (arggg another lesson). My body, my mind, my nutrition, my schedule, my family, my spirit, my finances would all be affected without the proper plan.

A few weeks ago, I dusted off a book I had on my “must read” list and just in flipping pages I came across what seemed to me like a great jumping off point for 2012 (which does include that Marathon).

“Daily Dozen” from Today Matters by John Maxwell

1. ATTITUDE: chose and display the right attitudes daily.

2. PRIORITIES: Determine and act on important priorities daily.

3. HEALTH: Know and follow healthy guidelines daily.

4. FAMILY: Communicate with and care for my family daily.

5. THINKING: Practice and develop good thinking daily.

6. COMMITMENT: Make and keep proper commitments daily.

7. FINANCES: Make and properly manage dollars daily.

8. FAITH: Deepen and live out my faith daily.

9.RELATIONSHIPS: Initiate and invest in solid relationships daily.

10. GENEROSITY: Plan for and model generosity daily.

11. VALUES: Embrace and practice good values daily.

12. GROWTH: Seek and experience improvements daily.

John Maxwell explains “If you settle these 12 issues by making the right decisions in each area and then manage those decisions daily, you can be successful”.

So there it is, he makes it sound quite simple actually. 12 steps. Now before you go all ‘ I’ve tried before and nothing ever works‘ on me, let me suggest that you consider managing these areas one at a time. Maybe it simply means asking God which area(s) you should focus on or which ‘mountain’ you might have been running around. One thing I immediately began focusing on was my health. Not nutritional, but wholeness; making sure I am emotionally, spiritually, and physically well. In order for my body to be physically ready to tackle this marathon I want to make sure there’s nothing weighing me down. Including the excess baggage that speaks to me in words of self defeat & fear. Believe it or not, this translates into joint pain & inflammation. We’ll discuss this during the January challenge!  For now, I leave you with a fun opportunity for jotting down your goals from the folks at Power-gy

It is always a good thing to have goals and all goals are attainable. But, it is even better to have realistic goals. We suggest that you focus on your goals 3 months at a time, achieve them, then set new goals. What are your fitness goals? Send your goals to info@power-gy.com. You will be featured (with your name or anonymously) in our “Fitness New Years Resolution” blog that will be posted on the site on January 1st, 2012. This is a great way to stay on top of your goals and you can visit our blog section as a reminder. Here’s to your health and remember “Slow wins the race”.

HAPPY GOALS YEAR & A Happy New Rear!

I pray that Christ would strengthen you with might through His spirit in your inner being …Stay inneractive keep movin’