Category Archives: nutrition for health

Monday Motivation: Ready. Set. Eat. Nutrition Challenge

Motivation: Food For Thought:

Very big portions make very little sense. (Philippians 3:19, Prov 16:32)

February was all about love. Lovin’ yourself stronger. Lovin’ your heart healthy! This month, we’re gonna love ourselves even more but now there’s gonna be a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on!

During the month of March, we’re take 1 week at a time, shake some stuff off and sift through the junk in our trunk. Well, yeah that trunk too but actually it’s that trunk that holds all the stuff that you’ve decided to put away. It reeks of your past, it’s hidden away covered in cobwebs, potentially moth destroyed & moldy yet SOMEHOW it finds its pesky way back into our lives.

It shows up in our attitudes, in our offenses, on the scale, on FACEBOOK asking us to friend it!?!?!?!?

OMG she did not just ask me to be friends with her, THE NERVE…oh I guess I shouldn’t have went there. Well, yes I shoulda cuz guess what, if the fact that she wants to be ‘friends’, even in the vitural-hood; makes me a bit testy, then there’s some mess I forgot to deal with.  Lysa Terkeurst  calls it “stink” I call it “STANK” now maybe I’m just talkin’ to myself here but I’ve caught myself maintaining a consistent STANK attitude at times before. But Bless God He ain’t finished with me yet!

So, you ready to get shakin’?

It’s time to shake sumthin’ off!!!!

So what’s the pan? Simply put, to move & eat! Move, eat and have fun with it!!!

We’ve decided to join Nutritious Eats for the Eat Right for National Nutrition Month challenge; it’s all about eating healthy for YOU! And since most of us start seeing green this month thanks to the shamrocks, what better way to celebrate than to get as much green goodness in your body as you can!

EatRight Challenge

Ready. Set. Eat. Join the nutrition challenge!

Monday Motivation: STRONGER because of 2012

Monday Monday! Oh man, I can’t even pretend to act like this Monday is one of those Mondays you watch the clock til the day is done, this Monday isn’t in the same category cuz I’m totally stoked!!!!! Y’all it’s New Year’s Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last day of our #5dayFOCUS challenge to finish strong. Today’s #FOCUS word is


My pledge and daily affirmation commitment to finish 2012 strong.
My pledge and daily affirmation commitment to finish 2012 strong.



Our most popular posts

#3: You’re Already Amazing: And Now You Know

#2: No Diets, No Kidding!

And our number 1 most heart pumpin’ spirit movin’ post of 2012

(drum roll) My inneractive CORE challenge!!!!


Ready for 2013? Join us on the 30 Day Push January Challenge

-keep movin’ #FOCUS remember that we may be challenged but we won’t quit because we are #ANCHOREDinTRUTH


And now you know

Why Is It So Hard to Believe I’m Amazing?

That’s the title of Chapter 3 You’re Already Amazing

But the question, quite honestly keeps dissecting in my mind, creating 3 separate questions…and yet each individual question is multilevel with questions within the big question.

WHY? why would anyone think/say/believe I am…what makes me amazing?

IS IT SO HARD? I mean, is it really something I need to be convinced of, consistently? And is it a question or more of a declaration I’m screaming at the world & God with a slight plea with tear filled eyes of GIVE ME GRACE!

I’M AMAZING? again asking with uncertainty looking for confirmation…

Proverbs 13:10 NLT
“Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise.”

On every page of Chapter 3, Holley has poured out her heart and addresses the heart of women who quite often can be heard muttering words of “self-confidence” hidden under other forms of insecurity such as social status & celebrity. Sometimes that status we strive for is simply asking am I enough.

I think she nailed it.

We all have lies we carry around inside us. Usually they’re so familiar we don’t even pay attention to them…the accusations and lies in our lives come in different ways. Some are completely undeserved…insensitive parents; insecure peers who tear us down to build themselves up; poor choices of our own create lingering lies long after we’ve been forgiven.

Whatever the source, God’s intent remains the same: to replace those lies with truth.

This chapter was hard.

Confession: as I read through the lies my heart began to weep, knowing I have reached a point in my own life that Christ has drawn the line in the sand and those stones cannot be thrown at me, yet others are still in the process of being exchanged with the Truth of Gods Word. I know some things, other things I KNOW.

1 corinthians 8:1 (HCSB) Knowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up. If anyone thinks he knows anything, he does not yet know it as he ought to know it. But if anyone loves God, he is known by Him.

(one version says knowledge Puffeth up… “And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know”.) Lord help me to never cause myself, to make myself “puffeth”-ed up.

As this year comes to a close the days are seeming longer for me, I’m convinced God is allowing me space & time to do the things He’s asked me to do & has whispered in my ear “you KNOW you’re fully qualified”

I remember a radio show I used to listen to as a kid that would highlight quirky stories or headlines some quite kitschy others were thought-provoking. The gist of every one was to show you that everything has a beginning, middle and end. That we should never take what it looks like and make any assumptions of C’est La Vie…he closed every show with “now you know, the REST of the story”

My life…is so far from where it began, yet it’s nowhere near the end (Jeremiah 29:11) but right here where I am, right there where you are… let’s declare…I AM AMAZING! (side bar: no puffeth)

For further “knowing” especially regarding the freedom from that annoying lie called “ENOUGH” have a conversation with God using these questions which Holley discusses/uncovers regarding the lies we’re so easily trapped by.

1 Corinthians 8 is a great ‘freedom’ scripture regarding freedom from food lies.

1. I have to be perfect? What does a god want you to pursue instead of perfection? (Hebrews 10:14)

2. I need to be more like her? Who do you tend to compare yourself to? What helps you focus on who you are in Christ instead?

3. Won’t being confident make me prideful and selfish? What’s the difference between insecurity and humility?

4. Write a short prayer asking God to continue revealing any lies in your life and to lead you into the truth about who you really are in him.

God wants to remove all those lies we keep recalling, He wants to help us KNOW that we KNOW that we KNOW (1 Corinthians 3) In the words of the late radio show host Paul Harvey, “and now you know the rest of the story, good day”.

Holiday Body Challenge: Wordless Wednesday Christmas preparations

Focusing on Christmas
Finally lookin’ like Christmas
Tastes like Christmas
The smell of Christmas
Finishing 2012 Strong
Preparing for 2013, knowing is half the battle

Holiday Body Challenge: YOU’RE ALREADY AMAZING

Has anyone ever come up to you out of no where & said this to you? Honestly I think I would wonder why they said it, in the most reflex response my mind would try to run down the list of possible reason but not to mention I’d have to fight off the defeating question of their potential hidden agenda.

But why do we do that? Why can’t we just accept when we are honored? Is it some sort of self proposed humbling gesture to swat down good feed back? Why? What’s worse, we graciously take one tiny negative comment or look and start building a wall with it.

Come on we can’t do this any longer. If we have any intentions of finishing this chapter of life stronger, we can’t do that. I’m speaking to myself here.

Can we commit to each other this month that this is where we draw the line in the sand?

This is where we look in the mirror and see exactly who God created!!! THIS is where we won’t find ” MOST PEOPLE”…


This is where we get to find out… {beyond the faults & blames; beyond the quirks & ‘that’s just who I am’; beyond the rationalizations of ‘but last time I tried that’ } & we embrace who we REALLY are, where we start becoming all God created us to be!!!

Welcome to our first discussion of You’re ALREADY Amazing



Just a little encouragement…

December book study 2012

You’re Already Amazing: Embracing Who You are Becoming All God Created You To Be by Holley Gerth

(DESCRIPTION:Many women are tired. Tired of trying to do more, be more, and have more. With busy work, home and church lives, it’s easy to feel like our spiritual growth gets short-changed. But what if God is already pleased, more than pleased–totally head over heels crazy about us and our hearts regardless of our mistakes and crunched schedules? If it’s true, that big load we’ve been carrying feels lighter already. In You’re Already Amazing, Holley Gerth wants readers to know that they can lay down the burden of their own, and others expectations, and embrace who they are as beloved, talented women. Rediscover the gifts you’ve been given and the life of purpose that God has for you.)

You don’t have to do more, be more, have more…if you’re really ready to take hold of who you are and what you’re called to do, there will be no stopping you. That’s because there’s no stopping Him in YOU-and he’s got bigger plans for your life than you’ve even imagined! –Holly Gerth

So you ready? Let’s do this…

Week 1: read chapters 1 & 2

–>Which story at the beginning of Ch1 did you relate to the most (the friend at lunch, counseling client, or woman sending the email)?

–>The ‘it girl’ is thought of as a woman everyone wants to be like in our culture. Do you ever feel pressure to be like women in the media? Share one example

–>In contrast, through Scripture God says you’re an “is girl”. He looks at you and says “She is _______________.” Fill in the blank with a few of the words your heart most needs to hear today. (Example: she is loved)

Ch 2

Look back at the strengths you circled on the list in this chapter. Write your top 3 here.

–> We often think of weaknesses as a negative thing. But research shows that having weaknesses in certain areas actually helps us to be stronger in others. God also says that his “strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9 NKJV). What’s a weakness you wish you didn’t have? In what ways could it actually help you be who God created you to be? (Example: being weak at details helps make you strong at seeing the big picture.)

1 John 5:14-15 NLT

And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.